What if you were a manager announcing a tough decision that your employees fiercely oppose?
What if you must announce budget cuts, or increased work hours, and your employees face you with resistance?
These are scenarios students get exposed to in their weekly leadership talks in our distinctive course Advanced Management Principles, taught by Professor Linowes, who has developed new ways to teach that mimic the reality of the business world. Professor Linowes, who has a doctorate from Harvard Business School and worked on Wall Street for many years, shares his lessons of experience with hands-on class activities. The class also examined recent troubles facing Robin Hood, “the people’s” online brokerage firm, and the legendary history of Whole Foods, when in its first few years was flooded by Austin’s overflowing river and customers bailed them out.
When things get tough, when push comes to shove, that is a leader’s moment of self-discovery, when they find their personal mission. “A true leader champions principles and is driven by a bigger vision. Don’t be shackled and intimidated by your fears; true leaders face their fears and gain horsepower from the challenge. That commitment inspires others. That is the essence of leadership.”
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